A Provisional Certificate is for newly hired teachers or counselors who are enrolled in a DESE-approved program at Northwest and have been hired by a school district on a Provisional Certificate.
You may complete your profile and application by choosing “DESE Web Applications” at the DESE Homepage or at DESE Educator Certification. As you complete your on‑line profile and application, you will take the following steps:
- Create your Username and Password – If you have previously created your profile, you may “Login.” If you have not created your profile, you need to “Register.”
- Enter your Profile by clicking on “Educator Certification System” link under “DESE Web Applications” located under the “User Information” heading.
- After your “User ID” is set up, you can routinely enter the Licensure system and apply for an additional license or change your contact information.
- You do not need to enter/update your Education section. This will be done by Northwest.
- Select “Application—Provisional Cert” by clicking in the menu to the left.
- Your profile information should appear attached to the form. Review your profile information and edit, if needed.
- Conduct and Investigations – Answer the conduct questions truthfully. If you indicate a “Yes” for any question, you are required to comment in the box below to explain.
- Under “Purpose of Application,” you MUST select “Provisional Certificate with an Academic Contract between District, Institution, and Educator.” You will then select your school district and your institution from the drop-down boxes. Your district is the school district that has hired you. Your institution is always Northwest Missouri State University.
- Once you select Northwest Missouri State University, you will get a drop-down box to indicate your subject area/grade level. Select the program that you are currently pursuing for certification at Northwest. If you are in the Alternative Certification program, choose the program that has “alternative” after it.
- Read the “Sworn Statement” and “Release of Educational Information.” Click the “I accept” box.
- Click “Submit and Pay.” Read this carefully before electronically signing. This is your “signature.” This provides DESE with information and gives them permission to investigate.
- You will need to pay the $50 fee online before you can continue this application.
- Your application will be sent to the school district’s work log. Contact the school district and ask them to submit their part of the Provisional Application. They will complete their section and then will submit your application to Northwest.
- Once the application arrives in the Northwest work log, we will complete the application and submit it to DESE. You do NOT need to send DESE transcripts or a Program of Study. These items will be submitted by Northwest.
- Information you can see
- When you are in your Profile, click on the gray bars to view the status on your fingerprints, content assessments, and application information.
- DESE does not receive the content assessment reports for several weeks.
- School districts will also be able to view the content assessments that you have taken and passed.
- Viewing/Printing Your Missouri Provisional Certificate
- Select “Certificate Status” to the left in the menu.
- You will receive an email notification when your provisional certificate is issued. When your certificate is issued, you will click to the left of your profile page on the “Certificate Status” link. This link will be where you can view/print your Missouri Certificate.