A-Z Index

Technology Policies & Security


Northwest is committed to ensuring efficient management and security of all campus technology resources to ensure the University's strategic goals for student success. All individuals using Northwest-provided technology resources and accounts are required to support and abide by campus technology policies.

Network Security & Legal Issues

Network Security & Legal Issues

Preserving access to information resources is a community effort that requires each member to act responsibly to safeguard network performance and stability and to adhere to acceptable usage standards that reflect Northwest's mission and cultural core values, as well as, local, state and federal law.

Security FAQ

Security FAQ

Northwest is committed to protecting its technology resources and its campus technology users from misuse, illegal and malicious activities. Some of the most common threats include phishing/email scams, viruses, worms, spyware, adware and identity theft. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Northwest Technology and Security Issues.



Northwest provides many programs and information to the campus community, which have been obtained and purchased under exclusive contracts or special licenses. Determining copyright is extremely important before trying to copy, cross-assemble or reserve compile data in its entirely or in part whether it is a music selection, an image or text. Copyright right infringement is taken seriously by Northwest and appropriate legal and academic disciplinary action will be taken whenever a campus community member knowingly violates copyright laws. Copyright infringement includes both civil and criminal penalties.



Northwest is dedicated to preserving privacy with regard to the use of technology. However, network activities may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act and legal investigation requests placed through proper channels when alleged violations are suspected. Northwest also collects personal information to process transactions, meet contractual obligations and respond to inquiries/requests made by students, potential students and others and to obtain consent (if applicable). Also, our policies dealing with privacy along with GDPR Compliance describe how Northwest collects, uses, and shares the personal information that we gather and maintain.

Email & Harassment

Email & Harassment

Any use of Northwest's email services that violates Northwest policies or local, state or federal law is prohibited. See Email and Harassment policies for more details.

Northwest Technology & Residential Living

Northwest Technology & Residential Living

Northwest computers, university-licensed software, Northwest wired and wireless networks and the infrastructure are the sole property of Northwest Missouri State University.

Northwest Policy Library

Northwest Policy Library

Northwest provides a policy library that covers many governing topics. Information Technology is one subset of this library.

Reporting Violations & Disciplinary Process

Reporting Violations & Disciplinary Process

Recognizing and reporting technology activities that violate Northwest Technology Policies is important in keeping University technology resources available and accessible to help ensure our strategic goals for student success.