- Personally purchased desktops, laptops, tablets and e-readers are allowed on both the wired and wireless Northwest networks.
- Must have an operating system (OS) that is compatible with Northwest's wired and wireless networks.
- Recommended OS:
- Others that work on the Northwest network:
- Must be wireless and/or wired ready.
- Must have current antivirus and operating system updates or you will be in violation of Northwest Technology Policies.
- Safeguards your personal identity and important data.
- Safeguards the data and personal identities of other campus network users.
- Safeguards the stability of the campus wired and wireless networks.
- Safeguards campus online resources.
By using the Northwest wired or wireless network (even with a personal computer), you are agreeing to abide by Northwest Technology Policies.
- Personal smartphones are allowed on Northwest's Secure, Personal and Guest wireless networks.
- For those with Northwest Network Account login credentials, you are encouraged to use the secure wireless network at all times.
- You can easily set up your Northwest Email to work successfully on your smartphone with the Outlook app.
- By using the Northwest Secure, Personal and Guest networks, you are agreeing to abide by Northwest Technology Policies.
- Gaming systems are allowed only on Northwest's wired network.
- Examples of gaming systems: Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo
- The Northwest wired network provides the best experience for both speed and connectivity.
- You can get onto Northwest's wired network with an Ethernet cable via an Ethernet port.
- Ethernet ports are located in every residence hall room and faculty/staff office.
- Ethernet ports are located in most academic and public buildings such as the Station, Student Union and B.D. Owens Library.
- Ethernet cables are not provided by Northwest for personal devices.
- You are not required to register your gaming system to be able to successfully use Northwest's wired network, but some restrictions may apply if there are security issues.
- Smart entertainment devices like TVs, Google TV, Apple TV, Roku, Alexa and Chromecast are allowed.
- For best connectivity, it is recommended that you use these types of devices/services on the Northwest wired network.
- If you need a wireless connection, you may use NWMSU_Secure or NWMSU_Personal.
- NWSMU_Secure uses your Northwest Network Account credentials.
- You will need a personal password to successfully connect to NWMSU_Personal.
- Personal printers are allowed but not necessary at Northwest.
- The vast majority of assignments and exams are submitted electronically and thus, are paperless.
- University networked printers are available most everywhere on campus such as the front desk of each residence hall and in public spaces like B.D. Owens Library and the Station.
- Printing to a University networked printer does not require payment at time of printing. In short, there are no up-front costs associated with printing.
- Users who print to a campus networked printer are auto-billed by their login credentials for the size of their print job.
- Black and white printing is 10 cents per page.
- You will typically see your specific printing charges appear on your University bill the next business day.
- Personal printers are allowed only on the Northwest wired network.
- Wireless must be disabled and your printer should be connected directly via its printer cables or you will be in violation of Northwest Technology Policies.
- You will be in violation of Northwest Technology Policies if you are using your personal printer on Northwest Wi-Fi.
- Wired switches and hubs are allowed on the wired Northwest network.
- Routers that are not owned and operated by Northwest are not allowed to connect to either the wired or wireless Northwest networks.
- Webcams are allowed on the Northwest wired and wireless networks.
- Video conferencing messaging applications are allowed on the campus wired and wireless networks.
- The Northwest Technology Service Center (NTSC) does not maintain, repair or provide software or software licenses for personally purchased, non-University-provided computing equipment or other communication and entertainment devices.
- The Northwest Technology Service Center (NTSC) is responsible for maintaining a stable wireless and wired network in all campus buildings (where warranted) and in all residence halls.
- The NTSC is also responsible for the following in campus buildings where warranted and in all residence halls:
- Ethernet ports that connect successfully to the Northwest wired network.
- A working telephone land line connection (just the outlet in residence halls, not the service).
- The NTSC will assist with helping you to successfully do the following with your personally-owned computing and communication devices if you have active Northwest Network Account login credentials:
- Connect to Northwest Wi-Fi
- Connect to the Northwest wired network
- Print to a networked printer
- Set up Northwest Email on smartphone
Northwest is not responsible or liable for the loss or damage to personally-owned devices brought to campus and does not provide insurance for such devices. If you are interested in obtaining insurance, the NTSC has (as a courtesy) provided a list of known and legitimate vendors who have previously provided Northwest students with personal equipment protection. See more information on these vendors* on the Northwest Laptops web page.
*Northwest is not affiliated with insurance vendors and does not endorse any insurance vendor or plan.