A-Z Index

Admission Requirements for the Professional Education Program



Admission Requirements to the Professional Education Program

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All education majors must successfully complete all Phase I coursework with a grade of C or better for their major.

Yes No Education Major Coursework Requirements Agricultural Education Major Coursework Requirements Art Education Major Coursework Requirements Physical Education Major Coursework Requirements Music Education Major Coursework Requirements

Ecology & Developmental Foundations of Education (62-107)


**These classes can be used for admission in place of 62-107: Ecology of Teaching (62-111) and Developmental Foundations of Learning (62-112).

Ecology of Teaching (62-111) Foundations in Art Education (13-180)

Ecology & Developmental Foundations of Education (62-107)


**These classes can be used for admission in place of 62-107: Ecology of Teaching (62-111) and Developmental Foundations of Learning (62-112).

Introduction to Music Ed (19-180)
                Professional Learning Community I (62-113) Foundations of Agricultural Education (03-320)


Observation and Practicum I in PE (22-260)

Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment (62-108)


**These classes can also be used for admission in place of 62-108: Introduction to Curriculum & Instruction (62-114) and Principles of Assessment (62-115).



Professional Learning Community II (62-116) Literacy and Applications in PE (22-445)

Introduction to Special Education (62-371)


**These classes can also be used for admission in place of 62-371:

Communication in a Positive & Inclusive Classroom (62-109) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119)


Inclusive Classrooms & Positive Learning Environments (62-117), Teaching is Communication (62-118) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119).

Introduction to Special Education (62-371)


**These classes can also be used for admission in place of 62-371:

Communication in a Positive & Inclusive Classroom (62-109) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119)


Inclusive Classrooms & Positive Learning Environments (62-117), Teaching is Communication (62-118) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119).

Introduction to Special Education (62-371)


**These classes can also be used for admission in place of 62-371:

Communication in a Positive & Inclusive Classroom (62-109) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119)


Inclusive Classrooms & Positive Learning Environments (62-117), Teaching is Communication (62-118) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119).

Introduction to Special Education (62-371)


**These classes can also be used for admission in place of 62-371:

Communication in a Positive & Inclusive Classroom (62-109) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119)


Inclusive Classrooms & Positive Learning Environments (62-117), Teaching is Communication (62-118) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119).

Introduction to Special Education (62-371)


**These classes can also be used for admission in place of 62-371:

Communication in a Positive & Inclusive Classroom (62-109) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119)


Inclusive Classrooms & Positive Learning Environments (62-117), Teaching is Communication (62-118) and Professional Learning Community II (62-119).

Other Requirements for ALL Education Majors:


3.00 Professional Education GPA  (           prof ed GPA)

                Successfully complete Criminal Background Check through the Family Care Safety Registry/TESS approval
                Demonstrate appropriate professional dispositions as measured by the dispositions assessment

ALL qualifications have been met. Please email the TESS Office (AD 253) at and apply for admission to the Professional Education Program. You will need to send a PDF of degree audit and your 919#.

**If you have not met all qualifications, you will not be eligible for an application.  This includes completing all coursework with a grade on your degree audit and meeting the professional education minimum GPA requirement. 

***For teacher candidates in a Catalog prior to 2017-2018, please contact the TESS Office for admission requirements.

Other Assessment Requirements being implemented by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE):

check  Successful completion of the Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) for Teacher Candidates for certification beginning in Fall 2018.
check  All teacher candidates will be required to attempt the appropriate initial certification, state-mandated content examination(s) prior to finalizing placement into student teaching.
Appeals procedures available. Contact your education advisor to discuss "Blocked Class Form". Petitions are submitted to the Teacher Education Admissions Committee (TEAC). Students must submit advisor-signed petitions to the TESS Office in the Administration Building, Room 253.  More information can be found here.