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Major in Geographic Information Science

Program(s) Available: B.A.S., B.S., Minor, Cert

A major in geographic information science (GIS) is perfect for those interested in spatial technology, urban planning, precision agriculture, remote sensing and cartography. If any of this interests you, keep reading!

Why Study Geographic Information Science at Northwest

Not everyone is born with the gift of spatial awareness, but the GIS industry is a growing field! The Bureau of Labor and Statistics estimates surveying and mapping job opportunities will increase by 4 percent in the coming decade.

Northwest also recently partnered with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), which provides students with profession-based experience while increasing NGA map production capability to meet national security challenges. This partnership also opens doors for Bearcats to obtain internship and employment experience!

Students can access incredible resources and tools, such as the computer labs in the Valk Center. These labs house the latest versions of industry-standard GIS software to ensure students' competitiveness in the job market. Field trips also provide opportunities to learn about GPS technologies outside the classroom.

This program requires a minor. 

Pick your path

Career opportunities

  • GIS technician
  • GIS analyst
  • Farming entrepreneur
  • Mapping and cartography technician
  • Precision agriculture

What Can I Do With a Major in Geographic Information Science?

Student Organizations

GeoClub offers academic and social opportunities for students studying Earth science, geology and geography. This club sponsors various activities such as: 

  • Field trips to geologically and geographically important areas in the United States
  • Trips to the Kansas City Gem and Mineral Show
  • Setting up educational displays at the Kansas City Gem and Mineral Show, B.D. Owens Library and Garrett-Strong Science Building
Student Organizations

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