A-Z Index

Technology: Pre-Semester Checklist for Northwest Online

Before Your Students are Enrolled:

  1. Import Course Content - This guide will help you move content from a previously taught course site.
  2. Restrict files to students - If you do not restrict the files/file folders in your course site, the students will still be able to access the course files. Removing the "Files" option from the course navigation will not protect your files.
  3. Validate links - This will help identify any broken links in your course site.
  4. Combine (Crosslist) Course Sections - This is how you combine multiple sections of a course into one section.
  5. Add a Co-Teacher/TA/Grading Assistant/Librarian - This walks you through how to add additional people to your course site.

Students are Enrolled and Course Site is Finished:

  1. Publish course - Publishing the course before the course site is ready will send notifications to students when changes are made, even before the course opens. Publishing the individual content items inside the site will not affect students until the entire course site is published.
  2. Email your students - This is especially important for online courses. You can email your students using the Inbox feature in the gray global navigation. *Please note: The course must be published before the email is sent!*