Room | Hourly Rate (up to three hours) | Full Day Rate |
-- | -- | -- |
Association or Group | Adjusted Rate |
University and Student Organizations | No charge |
University and Student Organizations after hours | Half price |
Groups from Community (Nodaway County) | Adjusted rate may vary |
Personal Use (Current Student, Alumni, Employee, Military) | 25% discount of established rate |
Applicable to all university facilities:
Semester | Days | Time |
Fall and Spring | Monday - Friday | 7 a.m. - midnight |
Fall and Spring | Saturday and Sunday | 10 a.m. - midnight |
Summer Hours and Breaks | Monday - Friday | 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. |
Summer Hours and Breaks | Saturday and Sunday | Closed |
The Bearcat Commons is open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. 7 days a week during Fall and Spring Semesters.
J.W. Jones Student Union is open for most holidays with the exception of Thanksgiving and July 4th. The Student Union is closed for two weeks over Christmas and New Year’s.
Requests are taken on a first come first serve basis when rooms, equipment, and furnishings are available. Every effort to accommodate requests will be made. This may mean moving requested events to different rooms or substituting/adjusting furnishings needs to accommodate the event.
All requests are to be done using Astra Schedule. For questions on using Astra please contact the Student Union Event Coordinator at
All requests made using Astra Schedule online will be approved in the order requested using Astra Schedule.
*For events occurring in the Student Union requiring special set-ups, or any event in the Ballroom, please contact the University Event scheduling Coordinator one week prior to the event. Contact the University Event scheduling Coordinator with any questions regarding an event in the Student Union.
** For events occurring outdoors, (except at athletic fields and facilities) send requests to the University Event scheduling Coordinator .