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Dr. Sanjay Prabhakar

Dr. Sanjay Prabhakar



2645 Garrett-Strong



Joined Northwest in 2021

Assistant Professor


  • Ph.D. Engineering Physics, State University of New York at Albany - 2010
  • M.S. Physics, State University of New York at Albany - 2007
  • M.Sc Physics, Tribhuvan University - 2001
  • B.Sc Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Tribhuvan University - 1998

Courses Taught

  • General Physics I
  • General Physics I Lab
  • General Physics II
  • General Physics II Lab
  • Classical Mechanics I
  • Classical Mechanics I Lab
  • Quantum Mechanics

Scholarly Activity

  • Sanjay Prabhakar and Roderick Melnik; Berry phase and spin precession in semiconductor quantum dots, European Physical Journal B 92, 263 (2019).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar and Roderick Melnik; Ab-initio calculations of strain induced relaxed shape armchair graphene nanoribbon, Physica E 114, 113648 (2019).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Rabindra Nepal, Roderick Melnik and Alexey Kovalov; Valley dependent Lorentz force Aharonov-Bohm phase in strained graphene p-n junction, Physical Review B 99, 094111 (2019).
  • Alexey Kovalev, Sanjay Prabhakar, Iiya Dumer, and Leonid Pryadko; Numerical and analytical bounds on threshold error rates for hyper-product codes, Physical Review A 97, 062320 (2018).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik and Luis L Bonilla; Strain engineering of graphene nanoribbons: pseudomagnetic vs external magnetic fields, European Physical Journal B 90, 92 (2017).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik and Luis L Bonilla; Pseudospin lifetime in relaxed-shape armchair graphene nanoribbons due to in-plane phonon modes, Physical Review B 93, 115417 (2016).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik, Luis L Bonilla and Shyam Badu; Thermoelectromechanical effects in relaxed-shape graphene and band structures of graphene quantum dots, Physical Review B 90, 205418 (2014).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik and Luis Bonilla; Gate control of Berry phase in III-V semiconductor Quantum Dots, Physical Review B 89, 245310 (2014).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik and Akira Inomata; Geometric spin manipulation in semiconductor quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters 104, 142411 (2­­­­­­­­­­­­014).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik, Luis Bonilla and James Raynolds; Spin echo dynamics under an applied drift field in graphene nanoribbon supperlattices, Applied Physics Letters 103, 233112 (2013).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik and Luis L. Bonilla; Electrical control of phonon mediated spin relaxation rate in semiconductor quantum dots: Rashba vs Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling, Physical Review B 87, 235202 (2013).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik and Luis L. Bonilla; Coupled multiphysics, barrier localization, and critical radius effects in embedded nanowire supperlattices, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 244306 (2013).
  • Alvaro, L. Bonilla, M. Carretero, R. Melnik and Sanjay Prabhakar; Transport in Semiconductor nanowire supperlattices described by coupled quantum mechanical and kinetic Models, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 335301 (2013).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, Roderick Melnik and Luis Bonilla; The influence of anisotropic gate potentials on the phonon induced spin-flip rate in GaAs quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters 100, 023108 (2012).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, James E Raynolds, and Roderick Melnik; Manipulation of the Lande g-factor in InAs quantum dots through the application of anisotropic gate potentials: Exact diagonalization, numerical, and perturbation methods, Physical Review B 84, 55208 (2011).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar, James E Raynolds, Akira Inomata and Roderick Melnik; Manipulation of single electron spin in a GaAs quantum dot through the application of geometric phases: the Feynman disentangling technique, Physical Review B 82, 195306 (2010).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar and Roderick Melnik; Influence of electromechanical effects and wetting layers on band structures of AlN/GaN quantum dots and spin control, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 064330 (2010).
  • Sanjay Prabhakar and James E Raynolds; Gate Control of a QD single electron-spin in realistic confining potentials: anisotropic effects, Physical Review B 79, 195307 (2009).