M.S. Geology & Geophysics, Missouri University of Science & Technology. Thesis focus: Igneous Petrology and High-Temperature Geochemistry
B.S. Geology & Geophysics - Geochemistry Emphasis, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Courses Taught
Optical Mineralogy Laboratory
Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology Laboratory
Field Geology
General Earth Science
Academic Interests
Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
Planetary Geology
High-Temperature Isotope Geochemistry
Economic Geology
Scholarly Activity
On-going dissertation research with the University of Alabama, Auburn University, and University of Leicester on compositional comparisons between melt inclusions from Martian meteorites and terrestrial analogs and their modeled parent melt compositional differences.
On-going research with California Institute of Technology, Agricultural University of Athens, and University of Leicester on atom probe tomography of an phosphorous-rich olivine xenocryst from the Cima Volcanic Field.
Other Professional Experiences
Workshop Leader for the Geology (Microscopy) Workshop for Leaders Exploring Academic Possibilities (LEAP) Summer Program for the University of Alabama and local high schools