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Vincent P Hustad

Vincent P Hustad



2663 Garrett-Strong



Joined Northwest in 2018



  • Ph.D., Plant Biology (Mycology), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015
  • M.S., Biological Sciences, Eastern Illinois University, 2008
  • B.S., Biological Sciences, Botany Concentration, Eastern Illinois University, 2006
  • A.S.A., General Studies, Olney Central College, 2004

Courses Taught

  • Principles of Biology Laboratory
  • General Biology Lecture
  • General Zoology Laboratory
  • Senior Seminar

Academic Interests

  • Diversity, conservation, and systematics of fungi, especially the Leotiomycetes sensu lato
  • Systematics of Geoglossomycetes

Scholarly Activity

  • Hustad VP, Meiners SJ, Methven AS. 2011. Terrestrial macrofungi of Illinois old-growth prairie groves. American Midland Naturalist 166 (1): 13–28.
  • Hustad VP, Miller AN. 2011. Phylogenetic placement of four genera within the Helotiales (Ascomycota). North American Fungi 6 (9): 1–13.
  • Raja HA, Schoch CL, Hustad VP, Shearer CA, Miller AN. 2011. Testing the phylogenetic utility of MCM7 in the Ascomycota. Mycokeys 1: 63–94.
  • Hustad VP, Miller AN, Moingeon J-M, Priou J-P. 2011. Inclusion of Nothomitra in Geoglossomycetes. Mycosphere 2 (6): 646–654.
  • Methven AS, Hustad VP, Wachholder BE, Pederson CL. 2011. A checklist of corticolous lichens of Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Evansia 28 (4): 84–91.
  • Hustad VP, Miller AN, Dentinger BTM, Cannon PF. 2013. Generic circumscriptions in Geoglossomycetes. Persoonia 31: 101–111.
  • Hustad VP, Kučera V, Rybáriková N, Lizoň P, Gaisler J, Miller AN. 2014. Geoglossum simile of North America and Europe: Distribution of a widespread earth tongue species and designation of a new epitype. Mycological Progress 13 (3): 857–866.
  • Hustad VP, Miller AN. 2015. Studies in the genus Glutinoglossum. Mycologia 107 (3): 1–11.
  • Hustad VP, Miller AN. 2015. Maasoglossum: A basal genus of Geoglossomycetes. Mycoscience 56(6): 572–579.

Other Professional Experiences

  • American Society of Plant Taxonomists                                  
  • Association of Southeastern Biologists   
  • Botanical Society of America                                                      
  • Illinois Mycological Society
  • Illinois Native Plant Society                                                         
  • Illinois State Academy of Sciences
  • Missouri Mycological Association                                             
  • Mycological Society of America 
  • North American Mycological Association                              
  • Phi Sigma Honors Society            
  • Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Associate Member
  • Invited peer reviewer for scientific journals Czech Mycology, Mycologia, Persoonia, Mycological Progress, Phytotaxa, and Sydowia