A.S.A., General Studies, Olney Central College, 2004
Courses Taught
Principles of Biology Laboratory
General Biology Lecture
General Zoology Laboratory
Senior Seminar
Academic Interests
Diversity, conservation, and systematics of fungi, especially the Leotiomycetes sensu lato
Systematics of Geoglossomycetes
Scholarly Activity
Hustad VP, Meiners SJ, Methven AS. 2011. Terrestrial macrofungi of Illinois old-growth prairie groves. American Midland Naturalist 166 (1): 13–28.
Hustad VP, Miller AN. 2011. Phylogenetic placement offour genera within the Helotiales (Ascomycota). North American Fungi 6 (9): 1–13.
Raja HA, Schoch CL, Hustad VP, Shearer CA, Miller AN. 2011. Testing the phylogenetic utility of MCM7 in the Ascomycota. Mycokeys 1: 63–94.
Hustad VP, Miller AN, Moingeon J-M, Priou J-P. 2011. Inclusion ofNothomitra in Geoglossomycetes. Mycosphere 2 (6): 646–654.
Methven AS, Hustad VP, Wachholder BE, Pederson CL. 2011. A checklist of corticolous lichens of Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Evansia 28 (4): 84–91.
Hustad VP, Miller AN, Dentinger BTM, Cannon PF. 2013. Generic circumscriptions in Geoglossomycetes. Persoonia 31: 101–111.
Hustad VP, Kučera V, Rybáriková N, Lizoň P, Gaisler J, Miller AN. 2014. Geoglossum simile of North America and Europe: Distribution of a widespread earth tongue species and designation of a new epitype. Mycological Progress 13 (3): 857–866.
Hustad VP, Miller AN. 2015. Studies in the genusGlutinoglossum. Mycologia 107 (3): 1–11.
Hustad VP, Miller AN. 2015. Maasoglossum: A basal genus of Geoglossomycetes. Mycoscience 56(6): 572–579.
Other Professional Experiences
American Society of Plant Taxonomists
Association of Southeastern Biologists
Botanical Society of America
Illinois Mycological Society
Illinois Native Plant Society
Illinois State Academy of Sciences
Missouri Mycological Association
Mycological Society of America
North American Mycological Association
Phi Sigma Honors Society
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Associate Member
Invited peer reviewer for scientific journals Czech Mycology, Mycologia, Persoonia, Mycological Progress, Phytotaxa, and Sydowia