Ph.D. Zoology (Paleolimnology); Duke University, 1988
M.S. Zoology (Aquatic Ecology); University of Georgia, 1984
B.S. Zoology; Duke University, 1980
Courses Taught
General Biology
Basic Ecology
Invertebrate Zoology
Methods in Animal Ecology
Environmental Issues
Academic Interests
Climatic history of lakes (Costa Rica, Caribbean, East Africa)
Lake ecology, especially tropical
Diatom ecology
Scholarly Activity
2021. Haberyan, K.A. A trophic cascade following the introduction of an omnivorous fish, Dorosoma cepedianum, in a mid-continental reservoir. American Midland Naturalist 186:176-198. DOI: 10.1674/0003-0031-186.2.176.
2020. Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn. Discovery of an undescribed species of Aulacoseira from highland Costa Rica. Diatom Research. 35: 289-300. DOI: 10.1080/0269249x.2020.1797884.
2020. Haberyan, K.A. Two trophic upsurges with differing responses during the filling of a mid-continental reservoir (Mozingo Studies III). American Midland Naturalist184: 248-267. DOI: 10.1637/0003-0031-184.2.248.
2018. Haberyan, K.A. A >22,000-year diatom record from the plateau of Zambia. Quaternary Research 89 (Special Issue 1): 33-42. DOI: 10.1017/qua.2017.31.
2018. Horn, S.P., E.N. Johanson, K.A. Haberyan, M.S. Boehm, J.L. Johanson, M. Sánchez P., and M. Hernández V. Initial limnological observations at five small lakes in southern Pacific Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal 10: 119-134. DOI: 10.4319/lo.1996. 41.5.1041.
2016. Haberyan, K.A. Mozingo Studies II. Similarity of the planktonic and deposited diatom assemblages. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: Interdisciplinary16(3): 6pp. DOI: 10.17406/GJSFR.
2016.. Haberyan, K.A. Mozingo Studies I. Ice phenology and limnological legacies in a mid- . continental reservoir. Journal of Limnology 75: 369-376. DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2015. 1407.
2016. Horn, S.P. and K.A. Haberyan. Lakes of Costa Rica. Chapter 25 in Kappelle, M. (editor), Costa Rican Ecosystems. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226121642.003.0019.
2015. Wu, J., D.F. Porinchu, S.P. Horn, and K.A. Haberyan. The modern distribution ofchironomid sub-fossils (Insecta: Diptera) in Costa Rica and the development of a regional chironomid-based temperature inference model. Hydrobiologia 742:107-127.
2015. Caffrey, M.A., S.P. Horn, K.H. Orvis, and K.A. Haberyan. Holocene environmentalchange at Laguna Saladilla, coastal north Hispaniola. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 436:9-22.
2014. Haberyan, K.A., S.P. Horn, K.H. Orvis, and C.S. Lane. An 18,200-year diatom record from a glacial lake in Costa Rica. Poster presentation, American Quaternary Association, University of Washington, August.
2013. Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn. Do these two Aulacoseira taxa from Costa Ricarepresent undescribed species? Poster presentation, North American Diatom Symposium,Bar Harbor, Maine. August.
2013. Haberyan, K.A. and G.D. Haddock. On the distribution of diatoms on cover slips: cause for concern. Journal of Paleolimnology 50:151-158.
In press 2015. Horn,S.P. and K.A. Haberyan. Lakes. Chapter 25 in Kappelle, M. and L.D. Gómez (editors), Costa Rican Ecosystems.
2011. The ecology of lacustrine diatoms in Costa Rica. Poster presentation, North American Diatom Symposium, Flathead Lake, Montana. September.
2011. The nonrandom distribution of diatoms on microscope slides. Poster presentation, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, San Juan, Puerto Rico. February.
2006. Ontogeny of Lake Mozingo: Effects of Achieving Overflow. Poster presentation, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Victoria, B.C., June.
2005. Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn. Diatom paleoecology of Laguna Zoncho, Costa Rica. Journal of Paleolimnology 33:361-369.
2003. Haberyan, K.A., S.P. Horn, and G. Umaña. Basic limnology of fifty-one lakes in Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical 51(1):107-122.
1999. Umaña, G., K.A. Haberyan, and S.P. Horn. Limnology in Costa Rica. In Gopal, B. and R.G. Wetzel (eds.), Limnology in Developing Countries 2:33-62.
1999. Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn. A 10,000-year diatom record from a glacial lake in Costa Rica. Mountain Research & Development 19:63-68.
1997. Haberyan, K.A., S.P. Horn, and B.F. Cumming. Diatom assemblages from Costa Rican lakes: An initial ecological assessment. Journal of Paleolimnology 17:263-274.
1995. Haberyan, K.A., G. Umaña, C. Collado, and S.P. Horn. Observations on the plankton of some Costa Rican lakes. Hydrobiologia 312:75-85.
1991. Haberyan, K.A. and O.K. Mhone. Algal communities near Cape Maclear, southern Lake Malawi, Africa. Hydrobiologia 215:175-188.
1990. Haberyan, K.A. The misrepresentation of the planktonic diatom assemblage in traps and sediments: Southern Lake Malawi, Africa. Journal of Paleolimnology 3:35-44.
1987. Haberyan, K.A. and R.E. Hecky. The late Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy and paleolimnology of Lakes Kivu and Tanganyika. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 62:169-197.
1987. Haberyan, K.A. Fossil diatoms and the paleolimnology of Lake Rukwa, Tanzania. Freshwater Biology 17:429-436.
1985. Robbins, E.I., K.G. Porter, and K.A. Haberyan. Pellet microfossils: Possible evidence for metazoan life in Early Proterozoic time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 82:5809-5813.
1985. Haberyan, K.A. The role of copepod fecal pellets in the deposition of diatoms in Lake Tanganyika. Limnology and Oceanography 30:1010-1023.
Other Professional Experiences
Coring technician, Project PROBE, Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, Africa. 1981.
Phycologist, Cichlid Field Research, Lake Malawi, Africa. 1985.
Limnologist, Survey of Costa Rican lakes, 1991.
Limnologist and field leader, Survey of Costa Rican lakes, 1997.
Limnologist, Mozingo Lake monitoring project, 1994-present.