A-Z Index

Kurt Haberyan

Kurt Haberyan



2673 Garrett-Strong



Joined Northwest in 1994



  • Ph.D. Zoology (Paleolimnology); Duke University, 1988
  • M.S. Zoology (Aquatic Ecology); University of Georgia, 1984
  • B.S. Zoology; Duke University, 1980

Courses Taught

  • General Biology
  • Basic Ecology
  • Invertebrate Zoology
  • Methods in Animal Ecology
  • Environmental Issues

Academic Interests

  • Climatic history of lakes (Costa Rica, Caribbean, East Africa)
  • Lake ecology, especially tropical
  • Diatom ecology

Scholarly Activity

  • 2021. Haberyan, K.A.  A trophic cascade following the introduction of an omnivorous fish, Dorosoma cepedianum, in a mid-continental reservoir.  American Midland Naturalist 186:176-198.  DOI: 10.1674/0003-0031-186.2.176.
  • 2020. Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn. Discovery of an undescribed species of Aulacoseira from highland Costa Rica. Diatom Research. 35: 289-300. DOI: 10.1080/0269249x.2020.1797884.
  • 2020. Haberyan, K.A. Two trophic upsurges with differing responses during the filling of a mid-continental reservoir (Mozingo Studies III).  American Midland Naturalist184: 248-267.  DOI: 10.1637/0003-0031-184.2.248.
  • 2018. Haberyan, K.A. A >22,000-year diatom record from the plateau of Zambia. Quaternary Research 89 (Special Issue 1): 33-42.  DOI: 10.1017/qua.2017.31. 
  • 2018. Horn, S.P., E.N. Johanson, K.A. Haberyan, M.S. Boehm, J.L. Johanson, M. Sánchez P., and M. Hernández V.  Initial limnological observations at five small lakes in southern Pacific Costa Rica.  UNED Research Journal 10: 119-134. DOI: 10.4319/lo.1996. 41.5.1041.
  • 2016. Haberyan, K.A.  Mozingo Studies II. Similarity of the planktonic and deposited diatom assemblages.  Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: Interdisciplinary16(3): 6pp.  DOI: 10.17406/GJSFR.
  • 2016.. Haberyan, K.A. Mozingo Studies I. Ice phenology and limnological legacies in a mid- . continental reservoir.  Journal of Limnology 75: 369-376.  DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2015. 1407.
  • 2016. Horn, S.P. and K.A. Haberyan. Lakes of Costa Rica. Chapter 25 in  Kappelle, M. (editor), Costa Rican Ecosystems. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226121642.003.0019.
  • 2015. Wu, J., D.F. Porinchu, S.P. Horn, and K.A. Haberyan. The modern distribution ofchironomid sub-fossils (Insecta: Diptera) in Costa Rica and the development of a regional chironomid-based temperature inference model. Hydrobiologia 742:107-127.
  • 2015. Caffrey, M.A., S.P. Horn, K.H. Orvis, and K.A. Haberyan.  Holocene environmentalchange at Laguna Saladilla, coastal north Hispaniola. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 436:9-22.
  • 2014. Haberyan, K.A., S.P. Horn, K.H. Orvis, and C.S. Lane.  An 18,200-year diatom record from a glacial lake in Costa Rica. Poster presentation, American Quaternary Association, University of Washington, August.
  • 2013. Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn.  Do these two Aulacoseira taxa from Costa Ricarepresent undescribed species?  Poster presentation, North American Diatom Symposium,Bar Harbor, Maine. August.
  • 2013. Haberyan, K.A. and G.D. Haddock. On the distribution of diatoms on cover slips: cause for concern. Journal of Paleolimnology 50:151-158.
  • In press 2015. Horn,S.P. and K.A. Haberyan.  Lakes.  Chapter 25 in Kappelle, M. and L.D. Gómez (editors), Costa Rican Ecosystems.
  • 2011. The ecology of lacustrine diatoms in Costa Rica. Poster presentation, North American Diatom Symposium, Flathead Lake, Montana. September.
  • 2011. The nonrandom distribution of diatoms on microscope slides.  Poster presentation, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, San Juan, Puerto Rico. February.
  • 2006. Ontogeny of Lake Mozingo: Effects of Achieving Overflow.  Poster presentation, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Victoria, B.C., June.
  • 2005.  Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn.  Diatom paleoecology of Laguna Zoncho, Costa Rica.  Journal of Paleolimnology  33:361-369.
  • 2003.  Haberyan, K.A., S.P. Horn, and G. Umaña.  Basic limnology of fifty-one lakes in Costa Rica.  Revista de Biología Tropical 51(1):107-122.
  • 1999. Umaña, G., K.A. Haberyan, and S.P. Horn.  Limnology in Costa Rica.  In Gopal, B. and R.G. Wetzel (eds.), Limnology in Developing Countries 2:33-62.
  • 1999. Haberyan, K.A. and S.P. Horn.  A 10,000-year diatom record from a glacial lake in Costa Rica. Mountain Research & Development 19:63-68.
  • 1997. Haberyan, K.A., S.P. Horn, and B.F. Cumming.  Diatom assemblages from Costa Rican lakes: An initial ecological assessment.  Journal of Paleolimnology 17:263-274.
  • 1995.  Haberyan, K.A., G. Umaña, C. Collado, and S.P. Horn. Observations on the plankton of some Costa Rican lakes.  Hydrobiologia  312:75-85.
  • 1991. Haberyan, K.A. and O.K. Mhone.  Algal communities near Cape Maclear, southern Lake Malawi, Africa. Hydrobiologia  215:175-188.
  • 1990. Haberyan, K.A.  The misrepresentation of the planktonic diatom assemblage in traps and sediments: Southern Lake Malawi, Africa.  Journal of Paleolimnology  3:35-44.
  • 1987. Haberyan, K.A. and R.E. Hecky.  The late Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy and paleolimnology of Lakes Kivu and Tanganyika.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology  62:169-197.
  • 1987. Haberyan, K.A.  Fossil diatoms and the paleolimnology of Lake Rukwa, Tanzania.  Freshwater Biology  17:429-436.
  • 1985. Robbins, E.I., K.G. Porter, and K.A. Haberyan.  Pellet microfossils: Possible evidence for metazoan life in Early Proterozoic time.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science  82:5809-5813.
  • 1985. Haberyan, K.A.  The role of copepod fecal pellets in the deposition of diatoms in Lake Tanganyika. Limnology and Oceanography  30:1010-1023.

Other Professional Experiences

  • Coring technician, Project PROBE, Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, Africa.  1981.
  • Phycologist, Cichlid Field Research, Lake Malawi, Africa. 1985.
  • Limnologist, Survey of Costa Rican lakes, 1991.
  • Limnologist and field leader, Survey of Costa Rican lakes, 1997.
  • Limnologist, Mozingo Lake monitoring project, 1994-present.