Bay, M.D. and R. Noah. 2022. Military Tropical Medicine Training – Protecting the Force from Infectious Disease. The Rudder 14 (2), P. 14
Bay, M.D. 2022. Training Future leaders for Navy Reserve Medicine. The Navy Reserve 1 (2), P. 15
Bay, M.D., and F. Pfeffer. 2014. A Winter Record for the Rose- Breasted Grosbeak in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. Bull. OK. Ornith. Soc. 47 (3), 17-20.
Bay, M.D. 2011. Anatomy dissection guide with reference to the human and cat. First Edition. Fountainhead Press.
Bay, M.D. and K D. Andrews. 2009. Prevalence of hematozoa parasites in some common passerine birds from east-central Oklahoma. Texas Journal of Science 61, 311-317.
Bay, M.D. 2005. Western Tanager in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society 38, 1-3.
Bay, M.D. 2004. Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea). P. 364-365 in Oklahoma Breeding Bird Atlas, D. Reinking (Ed). Univ. of Oklahoma Press
Bay, M.D. and H. McGaha. 2000. Notes on the ecology of Eastern Bluebird nestlings occupying nest boxes in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 80, 129-132.
Tyler, J.D., M. Haynie, C. Bordner and M. Bay. 2000. Notes on winter food habits of raccoons from western Oklahoma. Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 80, 115-117.
Bay, M.D. 1999. The type B song of the Northern Parula: structure and geographic variation along proposed subspecies boundaries. Wilson Bulletin 111, 505-514.
Bay, M.D., and W.A. Carter. 1997. Use of Ground Skinks (Scincella lateralis) as food for nestling Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis).Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 30, 23-25
Other Professional Experiences
Medical Entomology and Environmental Science Officer, U.S. Navy Reserve
Senior Leader of Entomology, U.S. Navy Reserve
Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences, East Central University, Ada, Ok
OIC (Officer in Charge), EMF Dallas, Detachment L, U.S. Navy, Midwest City, Ok
Teaching Excellence Award (2 awards), East Central University, Ada, Ok
Operational Entomology Training, Navy Entomology Center of Excellence, Jacksonville, Florida