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High school students compete in ‘Most Awesome’ programming contest

March 30, 2023

High school students from throughout the region who enjoy solving complex problems tested their skills and earned prizes as Northwest Missouri State University’s School of Computer Science and Information Systems sponsored its “Most Awesome Programming Contest 4.0” on March 24.

A total of 21 teams from nine schools competed in the event, which the School last sponsored in 2019.

Teams of students representing Millard North High School of Omaha, Nebraska; Blue Springs High School and Summit Tech Academy in Lee’s Summit in Missouri, finished in the top three at Northwest's  “Most Awesome Programming Contest 4.0.” (Submitted photo)

Teams of students representing Millard North High School of Omaha, Nebraska; Blue Springs High School and Summit Tech Academy in Lee’s Summit in Missouri, finished in the top three at Northwest's “Most Awesome Programming Contest 4.0.” (Submitted photo)

A team of students representing Millard North High School of Omaha, Nebraska, took first place in the contest at Northwest-Kansas City. Teams from Blue Springs (Missouri) High School and Summit Tech Academy in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, took second and third place, respectively.

Standard International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) rules applied as the teams of two to three students collaborated to use one computer, printed resources and programming languages including C, C++, Java, and Python.

“High school students who are learning programming enjoy the chance to participate in programming contests,” Dr. Joni Adkins, the director of the School of Computer Science and Information Systems, said. “The event provides a fun, competitive atmosphere where they challenge themselves to write as many correct solutions as they can. Practicing working together to solve problems is an excellent way for them to prepare for their future.”


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215