Oct. 28, 2022
Focus EduSolutions, in partnership with Northwest Missouri State University, is launching micro-credentials in insurance sales and food truck entrepreneurship.
The innovative micro-credentials were designed by industry experts for people looking to begin a new profession or further their career in the food truck or insurance industries. Both micro-credentials will teach basics and fundamentals to be successful in either career path. The first cohort begins Tuesday, Nov. 8.
The insurance sales accelerator credential addresses skill gaps that exist in the insurance industry by providing a core, foundational understanding of sales, advanced sales conversion optimization strategies, productivity planning and an overview of technologies expected to be used in today’s insurance market. The credential is for anyone who is interested in starting a rewarding career that serves people, has their license or is studying for the test, or wants to enhance their sales and portfolio.
Food truck entrepreneurship is for anyone wanting to own or operate a food truck. The credential provides information to successfully start and operate a food truck. The credential also can help individuals improve current operations.
“Focus EduSolutions completed extensive research to determine which niche markets would be a good fit for the footprint that Northwest serves,” Rebecca Lobina, the continuing professional education and Missouri Small Business Development Center director for Northwest, said. “They were able to make the curriculums available in both English and Spanish, again helping us to better serve the region and beyond. We’re excited to add these offerings to our existing portfolio of professional education programs.”
For more information about Northwest’s continuing professional education programs, visit www.nwmissouri.edu/kc/professional-development/continuing.htm.
Focus EduSolutions is a Boston-based company that works with colleges, universities, and industries to create micro-credentials to meet the needs of industries throughout the country. The micro-credentials are developed by Focus EduSolutions in partnership with subject matter experts directly from industry and industry associations. Its mission is to create an education system that addresses needs of industry, provide alternative methods of education for future generations that are cost and time-effective, and create stronger relationships with higher education institutions and industry, for permanent culture change and workforce development solutions. Certificates address the skills gaps that exist in the workforce, assist industries in transformational changes, and provide educational opportunities for future generations of the industry.