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Coursework, internships, networking opportunities support Alberti’s career objectives

Oct. 12, 2022 | By Edidiong Idong-Bassey, communication assistant

Silvia Alberti transferred to Northwest Missouri State University in the fall of 2021 with hopes of forging a career in graphic design and has gained a variety of professional experiences through networking and coursework to help her realize her dream.

Silvia Alberti gained profession-based experience as a graphic designer during a summer internship at Hallmark. (Submitted photos)

Silvia Alberti gained profession-based experience as a graphic designer during a summer internship at Hallmark. (Submitted photos)

Most recently, the senior graphic design major from Negrar di Valpolicella, a town in rural Italy, successfully completed an internship at Hallmark during the summer.

As a graphic designer, Alberti worked with a team of Hallmark interns to create a marketing campaign aimed at attracting Generation Z audiences to work at the company and buy their products. She designed and created cards focused on promoting inclusivity, self-awareness and sustainability. Her responsibilities also included setting deadlines for her team.

“I gained networking opportunities and new connections,” Alberti said. “On top of that, how to teamwork and develop leadership skills. Our project was to do a marketing campaign, so that was a lot of team-building skills.”

Alberti says her training and coursework at Northwest set her apart from other interns.

“Northwest prepared me well because I was familiar with the objectives and processes required to complete our marketing campaign,” Alberti said.

Alberti discovered her passion for graphic design and animation at the age of 8. Growing up in Italy, she learned how to use Adobe After Effects software to create animated videos and went on to master Adobe’s suite of editing software.

“It’s rewarding once you make a branding and you see it on business cards, or you make a box, and you see somebody using it,” Alberti said. “I like giving an identity to every idea. I really like that you can still be able to talk just by producing images, shapes and abstraction like other things that don't require a written essay.”

A card design Silvia Alberti produced as an intern at Hallmark

A card design Silvia Alberti produced as an intern at Hallmark

At Northwest, she has advanced her editing skills through coursework, too. For example, in a brand identity design course, Alberti learned how to revamp a brand’s visual identity. The course equipped her with an in-depth understanding of research, creation, clarification, presentation and implementation of identity systems and branding.

Additionally, sculpting, package design, ceramics and 3D design courses have given Alberti a creative outlet to make utilitarian art pieces. Alberti says Northwest coursework has motivated her to create and think about industrial design.

She also has gained profession-based experience as a photographer with The Northwest Missourian student newspaper and works as a photo assistant for the Department of Fine and Performing Arts.

Further, she participated last spring in Knacktive, a University program that places advanced undergraduate students in an environment mimicking a real-world digital media marketing agency. Alberti was the art director for her Knacktive team and collaborated with six teammates to create a marketing campaign for Ringgold County. Alberti’s team – The Magic Beanstalk – provided an extensive social media plan aimed at generating interest in the county among young adults, particularly young couples interested in starting families and living in the area. Their recommendations earned them a victory against the two other Knacktive teams.

Alberti says Knacktive helped her learn how to facilitate interpersonal communication between her team members. As a result of her work with Knacktive, Ringgold County hired Alberti to work as a graphic design intern this fall.

“When working in a team in a role that’s almost like a supervisor, setting deadlines is very important, and that reflected during my Hallmark internship as well,” Alberti said.

Alberti is also active at Northwest in the International Student Organization, where she has found a support system with other international students who are adjusting to living and studying in the United States

“Life is not easy for international students,” Alberti said. “It’s being able to have somebody that's in the same situation and gives you a shoulder to cry on – somebody that will help and support you, and you can do the same for them.”

As Alberti prepares to graduate from Northwest next spring, she is grateful for the connections she has made at Northwest with faculty members and the international community. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a master’s degree in arts.

“I had to adapt as much as I could,” Alberti said. “Adapting is good but it’s not good to deny who you are just because you need to adapt. With this community, you’re able to maintain both.”


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215