Associate Professor
- Ph.D. Psychology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; 2010
- M.A. Psychology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; 2006
- B.A. Psychology, Northwest Missouri State University; 2004
Courses Taught
- Developmental Psychology 08-333
Academic Interests
- Early childhood development
- Parent-child interactions
- Parent-child book-reading
- Interventions focused on at-risk populations
- Parenting and culture
- Home environment
Scholarly Activity
- Cline, K. D., Merritt, S. M., Seeger, V., Haughey, B., & Montenguise, H. (2024). Reading about a hero of the Holocaust: A multiple case study of families and teachers from a laboratory school. IALS Journal, 14(1), 11-21.
- Cline, K. D., Hiatt, R., & Dimmitt, E. (2023). The development of the Perceptions of Childhood Scale. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 38(1) 66-79.
- Cline K. D., Wikete Lee, M., Gilb, M., & Bielicki, L. (2023). Bigger than a cupcake: Reimagining birthday celebrations through an equity and inclusion lens. LEARNing Landscapes, 16(1) 59-76.
- Cline, K. D., Dimmitt, E. & Gann, M. (2022). Books before birth: A qualitative multiple case study of mothers reading to babies in utero. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1–14.
- Cline K. D., Sheil M., & Rouner C. (2022). Paths, maps, and pirates: How a preschool class overcame limits of the pandemic through drama. LEARNing Landscapes, 15(1), 109-127.
- Cline, K. D., Dimmitt, E., & Seeger, V. (2022). Through the doors of the wardrobe: A qualitative case study of a short-term study abroad program inspired by the C.S. Lewis Trail in Ireland. Irish Journal of Academic Practice, 10(2), Article 9.
- Cline, K. D., Patet, P., Dimmitt, E., & Sparks, B. (2021). Perceptions about children, childhood, and teaching: Children’s literature as a priming event for beginning education students. IALS Journal, 9(1), 13-24.
- Cline, K. D., Campbell, L., Mallon, M. & Taylor, B. (2019). A qualitative case study of the influences of the 2016 U.S. election and subsequent presidency on elementary classrooms and children. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 33(4), 558-578.
- Cline, K. D., Gilb, M., & Vaught, M. (2019). Honoring children’s ways of knowing: A story of trust and transformation in a kindergarten classroom. LEARNing Landscapes Journal, 12(1), 77-90.
- Cline, K. D. & Edwards, C. P. (2017). Parent–child book-reading styles, emotional quality, and changes in Early Head Start children’s cognitive scores. Early Education & Development, 28, 41-58.
- Cline, K. D. (2016). Infant-parent relationships. In D. Couchenour & J. K. Chrisman (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education (pp 729-731). Los Angeles: Sage.
- Edwards, C. P., Cline, K. D., Gandini, L., Giacomelli, A., Giovannini, D., & Galardini, A. (2014). Books, stories, and the imagination at ‘The Nursery Rhyme’: A qualitative case study of a preschool learning environment in Pistoia, Italy. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 28, 1-25.
- Cline, K. D. & Edwards, C. P. (2013). The instructional and emotional quality of parent-child book reading and young children’s early learning. Early Education & Development, 8, 1214-1231.
- Cline, K. D., Edwards, C. P., Gandini, L., Giacomelli, A., Giovannini, D., & Galardini, A. (2012). A day at Filastrocca Preschool, Pistoia, Italy: Meaning making through literacy and creative experience. LEARNing Landscapes, 6, 107-128.
- Knoche, L. L., Edwards, C. P., Sheridan, S. M., Kupzyk, K. A., Marvin, C. A., Cline, K. D., & Clarke, B. (2012). Getting Ready: Results of a randomized trial of a relationship-focused intervention on parent engagement in rural Early Head Start. Infant Mental Health Journal, 33, 439-458.
- Knoche, L. L., Cline, K. D., & Marvin, C. M. (2012). Fostering collaborative partnerships between early childhood professionals and the parents of young children. In R. C. Pianta, W. S. Barnett, L. M. Justice, & S. M. Sheridan (Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Education (pp. 370-392).New York, NY: Guilford.
- Marvin, C. A., & Cline, K. D. (2010). Bus Talk: A preliminary analysis of children’s decontextualized talk. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 31, 170-182.
Selected Conference Presentations:
- Cline, K. D., Merritt, S. M., & Seeger, V. (2024, May). Reading about a hero of the Holocaust: A multiple case study of families and teachers from a laboratory school. Poster session presented at Association for Psychological Science conference in San Francisco, CA.
- Cline, K. D., Dimmitt, E., & Gann, M. (2023, May). Books before birth: A qualitative multiple case study of mothers reading to babies in utero. Poster session presented at Association for Psychological Science conference in Washington D.C.
- Cline, K.D., Hiatt, R., & Dimmitt, E. (2022, April). Perceptions of Childhood Scale: Development and associations with perceptions of play. Poster session to be presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Special Topics Meeting on Learning through Play and Imagination: Expanding Perspectives in St. Louis, MO.
- Gilb, M., Wikete, M. Bielicki, L., & Cline, K.D. (2019, November). Bigger than a cupcake: Honoring children through birthday traditions - One preschool classroom’s journey in reimagining birthday celebrations. Session presented at the NAEYC 2019 Annual Conference & Expo in Nashville, TN.
- Cline, K. D. & Campbell, L. (2019, March). A qualitative case study of influences of the 2016 U.S. election on classrooms and children. Poster session to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Baltimore, MD.
- Cline, K.D. & Dimmitt, E. (2019, March). A mixed method study of children’s literature as a priming event for education majors’ views. Poster session to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Baltimore, MD.
- Vaught, M. & Cline, K.D. (2019, March). Elley: A story of glitter, excitement, and creativeness. Presentation to be presented at the International Association of Lab Schools conference in Fort Worth, TX.
- Cline, K. D., Wingrove, T., & Dimmitt, E. (2017, April). Frequency of parent-child book reading and children’s learning behaviors at preschool: Parenting confidence as a moderator. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Austin, TX
- Cline, K. D., Dimmitt, E., & Wingrove, T. (2015, November). Exploring parent-child shared book-reading styles and children's learning behaviors at preschool. Poster session presented at the National Association for Education of Young Children, Orlando FL.
Student Group Advisement
- Psi Chi, the International Honor Society of Psychology