A-Z Index

Fraternal Values

Each Northwest fraternity and sorority was founded on similar principles of scholarship, leadership, civic engagement, community, and accountability. It is these fundamental values that separate our organizations from other campus organizations. These values are at the core of everything that fraternity and sorority members do and accomplish.


Scholarship is the first priority for all fraternities and sororities at Northwest. Each chapter places strong emphasis on creating an atmosphere conducive to high academic performance. Each chapter has a minimum GPA requirement to become a member, to be initiated, to remain in good standing and to hold leadership positions. Members are encouraged to strive for scholastic excellence through incentive and reward programs, tutors, study hours and educational workshops pertaining to academic improvement.

Currently, the all-FSL GPA is higher than the all-campus GPA. Northwest research has found that 70% of Northwest fraternity members graduate in four years as compared to 50% of non-fraternity members and 80% of Northwest sorority members graduate in four years as compared to 60% of non-sorority members. Additionally, fraternity and sorority members have a 92% retention rate from freshman to sophomore year.


Northwest fraternities and sororities can provide you with a unique opportunity to develop your leadership skills and potential. Becoming a member opens the door to elected or appointed positions and committee participation. Each chapter is self-governed and relies on the special talents of its members for successful management. Members may also choose to become involved in the leadership of one of the fraternity or sorority governing councils.

Fraternity and sorority leaders can be found around campus, as well. Fraternity and sorority members are actively involved in the Student Senate, Student Activities Council, SOAR, Student Ambassadors, Varsity Athletics and numerous honor societies.

As a leader, you will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the future. Event planning, public relations, marketing, accounting, time management and conflict resolution are just a few of the skills that you can discover and refine. Coincidentally, these are the same type of skills employers look for when they are hiring employees.

Civic Engagement

Northwest fraternities and sororities have a long tradition of dedicated involvement in community service and philanthropy. Serving the community not only benefits worthy causes, it will also allow them to gain valuable leadership experience and enrich their life.

Community service events are planned throughout the year by each chapter to improve the community or to interact with area residents. During the past academic year, our fraternities and sororities donated over 2,000 service hours to various organizations within the Maryville community

Philanthropic contributions are donated by each chapter in support of their fraternity or sorority national projects or in goodwill to charitable organizations. 

Recent service projects or philanthropic contributions have benefited the American Red Cross, the Children and Family Center, A.L.S, Special Olympics, the Humane Society, the March of Dimes, the United Way, the Ministry Center (food pantry), Maryville Parks and Recreation and the SSM Hospice and Home Care Foundation.


Becoming a part of the fraternity and sorority life community means that you will be meeting lots of people and making many new friends, but some of the closest relationships you will have will be with your fraternity brothers or sorority sisters. These friendships will provide you will a sense of belonging, a feeling of being oneself and respect for your individuality. Brotherhood and sisterhood help to make friendships that last a lifetime.

Fraternities and sororities at Northwest contribute positively to the various communities for which they are a part, such as the FSL community, Northwest community, and the city of Maryville. Chapters develop and uphold an environment that promotes inclusion, while creating and maintaining partnerships with various constituents. 


While being social is an important aspect of being a part of a fraternity or sorority, so comes the value of accountability. Each sorority and fraternity on our campus abides by our office's Risk Management Policy, all University policies, and their National organization's policies. Fraternities and sororities also have systems in place to hold their members accountable for their actions. 

It is imperative that our fraternities and sororities focus on values congruence in order to be safe and healthy organizations. Many of our chapters are trained in Bystander Intervention, Alcohol & Substance Prevention, Implicit Bias, and much more. Our chapter leadership is constantly assuring their members are safe within their chapters and out.