The Northwest Missouri State University Outreach Center is housed in the Michael L. Faust Center for Alumni & Friends. Full-time Northwest students, called Bearcat Callers, are employed by the University to reach out to alumni, friends, and parents of current students.
Sophomore - Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Plato, Missouri
Sophomore - Marine Biology & Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Kansas City, Missouri
Sophomore - Physical Education
Kearney, Missouri
Sophomore - Marine Biology
Topeka, Kansas
Freshman - Mathematics Education
Kansas City, Missouri
Senior - Business Management
Kansas City, Missouri
Sophomore - Early Childhood Education
Independence, Missouri
Junior - Cybersecurity
Kearney, Missouri
Sophomore - Sonographic Sciences
Lee's Summit
Sophomore - Nano-Physics
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Sophomore - Political Science
Fillmore, Missouri
Annual Giving Specialist