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One-Time BMB Rehearsal Conflict Form

Requests must be submitted at least one week in advance whenever possible. Please refer to the syllabus for details regarding excused/unexcused absences.

Submission of this form completes a REQUEST and does not mean you will be excused. Check your email for a response.

All fields are required.

Contact Information

(complete in full)

Conflict Information

Which ensemble(s) is your absence request is for?

Will you be absent for the full rehearsal time?    


Please be reminded that:

  1. Work, meetings, etc. are not excused. Review the BMB handbook and BMB Camp orientation presentation on Canvas for further details regarding excused and unexcused absences.
  2. Repeated absences may require a meeting with Dr. Strickland, excused or unexcused.
  3. For health or personal issues that impede your ability to actively take part in the required elements of the class, please seek accommodations through the Title IX and Equity Office

PLEASE NOTE: A student employee evaluates these submissions. If your submission is personal in nature, email Dr. Strickland after submitting this form.

Will you be absent for the full rehearsal time?