Theatre: Scenic and Lighting Design
- M.F.A. Lighting Design/Technical Direction; Southern Illinois University, 1998
- B.S. Radio-TV-Film; University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 1995
Courses Taught
- 29-102 Fundamentals of Oral Communication
- 43-101 Theatre Appreciation
- 43-110 Theatre Foundations
- 43-150 Technical Skills, Electrics
- 43-220 Introduction to Drafting
- 43-240 Advanced Drafting
- 43-354 Lighting Design
- 43-395 Scenic Design
Academic Interests
- Using technology to streamline and enhance the design process
Scholarly Activity
- Vectorworks Spotlight 2010. "Lighting and Sound America" Journal, July 2010
- Converting from pencil/paper to mouse/screen: What's in it for me? "Lighting and Sound America" Journal, June 2010
- Students Learn Scene Design Fundamentals While Playing With Sketchup. "Theatre Design and Technology Journal, August 2007
- Photometrics 101: How to quickly select lighting instruments for your plot. "Stage Directions" Journal, August 2007
- "Celebration", Lighting and Scenic Designs, 2009
- "Supergirls! Tales of Life, Love & Captain Nebraska", Scenic Design, 2009
- "The Music Man", Lighting and Scenic Designs, 2010
- "Tartuffe", Lighting Design, 2010
- "Our Town", Lighting Design, 2011
Student Group Advisement
Other Professional Experiences
- United States Institute for Theatre Technology