» PEU » Student Teaching » Forms and Resources
The Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) is an updated series of evaluation forms used by Missouri Cooperating Teachers and University Supervisors to assess Teacher Candidates during student teaching. Assessors will complete these on the Dynamic Forms system. There is currently no cost for students to be assessed with these assessments.
The MEES summative form is a certification requirement for teacher candidates in Missouri. The passing score on the MEES summative form is 42. This score is taken only from the summative form as completed by the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor.
For example, there are 9 items on the MEES form. If a Cooperating Teacher scores 2 on all items, their total CT summative score is 18. If the University Supervisor scores some items as 2 and some as 3 on all items, the total US summative score could be 24. Combined, that teacher candidate’s total summative score would be 42. Since 42 is greater than or equal to the cut score of 42, that candidate has passed this certification requirement.
MEES summative scores should be given as a score for how well the teacher candidate is performing on all items by the end of their semester/placement. This is not an "average" score of some kind calculated with all of the formative assessment scores. A candidate could have been scored poorly on items throughout their formative assessments, and then done great by the end of semester and been scored well on their summative assessment.
MEES Formative/Summative Assessment (as of Fall 2023)
Instruction for Cooperating Teachers: You will receive instructions and a link to your MEES forms on a Bearcat Information Sheet (BIS) via email, if you are a Cooperating Teacher for a 12-16* week placement. If your semester has begun and you have not yet received these instructions, or you have lost your link to the BIS, please email us at STEACH@nwmissouri.edu. Please do not attempt to use the instruction on the BIS for university supervisors.
*Four Week Placement Cooperating Teachers:
Please be in contact with the Cooperating Teacher from the candidate’s 12 week placement so you can contribute to the MEES summative. You will not need to log a MEES form in the dynamic forms system or complete a hard copy version of the MEES form on your own.
Teacher candidates are required to submit MEES artifacts related to the items 7, 8 and 9 on the MEES summative. University supervisors and cooperating teachers review these and use them to score the MEES summative.
To upload your MEES artifacts, please use the following links:
Due Date: Default due dates are shared by the field experience office each semester. Or, due dates can be negotiated between Teacher Candidate, Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor.