A-Z Index

Diana Linville

Diana Linville



2230 Colden Hall



Joined Northwest in 2001

Senior Instructor


  • M.S. School of Computing Studies, Northwest Missouri State University, 2006
  • B.S. Computer Science, Northwest Missouri State University, 2001

Courses Taught

  • 44-141 Computer Programming I
  • 44-241 Computer Programming II
  • 44-242 Data Structures
  • 44-296 Professional Development Seminar
  • 44-144 Web Development I
  • 44-334 Web Development II

Academic Interests

  • Instructional Technology
  • K-12 Computer Science Education
  • Online Education

Scholarly Activities


  • Rogers, M., Bell, S., Cline, C., & Linville, D., (2017). Google CS4HS grant. $28,260.
  • Rogers, M., Clark, J., Linville, D., & Spradling, C. (2014). Google CS4HS grant. $16,200.


  • 2023 Faculty Excellence Award for Service
  • 2016 Governor's Award for Excellence in Education
  • 2015 College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Awards for Excellence in Teaching

Selected Publications

  • Hoot, C., Eloe, N., Linville, D. (2024) Introducing Controlled Variability in Programming Assignments. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 39(6), pp 52–60.
  • Linville, D. & Combs, C. (2023). Empowering Novice Coders: Integrating Artificial Intelligence Tools in an Introductory Computer Programming Course. Information Systems Education Journal,
  • Adkins, J. Linville, D., Bilal, C., Elliott, S., Paddock, S. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Industry and Education. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 36(6) pp 80-81.
  • Adkins, J., Linville, D., & Badami, C. (2019).The impact of an interactive textbook in a beginning programming course. Information Systems Education Journal, 18(6), 38-45.
  • Badami, C., Linville, D. (2019). Introduction to Programming with Python. Dubuque, Iowa: Great River Learning. ISBN: 9781680759273.
  • Adkins, J., Linville, D., (2017). Testing Frequency in an Introductory Computer Programming Course. Information Systems Education Journal, 15(3), 22-28.
  • Linville, D., Kelly, C., Case, D., Rogers, M., Spradling, C., (April, 2015). Profession-based Learning through Collaboration and Vertical Alignment with K12, Higher Education, and Industry. Journal of Computing Science in Colleges. 31(5). 187-189.
  • Spradling, C., Linville, D., Rogers, M., & Clark, J. (May, 2015). Are MOOCs an appropriate pedagogy for training K-12 teacher's computer science concepts? Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 30(5), 115-125.
  • Linville, D., Spradling, C., Adkins, J., Moulder, R., Ingram, J., & Martin, L. (April, 2015). University, K-12, and businesses collaborate in professional advisory team. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 30(5), 113-114.

Selected Presentations

  • Hoot, C., Eloe, N., Linville, D. (2024) Introducing Controlled Variability in Programming Assignments. Presented a CCSC: Central Plains conference in Lamoni, IA
  • Linville, D. & Combs, C. (2023). Empowering Novice Coders: Integrating Artificial Intelligence Tools in an Introductory Computer Programming Course. Presented at the ISCAP 2023 conference in Albuquerque, NM
  • Adkins, J., Linville, D., (in press). Testing Frequency in an Introductory Computer Programming Course. Presented at the EdSIGCON 2016 conference in Las Vegas, NV

Student Group Advisement

  • UPE (Upsilon Pi Epsilon), Sponsor

Other Professional Experience

  • Consortium for Computing in Small College – Central Plains Board K-12 Outreach and Secretary, 2014-present
  • Missouri Iowa Nebraska Kansas Women in Computing Conference, Registrar, 2013, 2015, 2017
  • National Coalition for Women in Technology Aspirations Awards – Selection Committee, 2016 – 2021
  • PC Specialist, Northwest Missouri State University, 2001 – 2010