I chose Northwest because of the friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Northwest also has a very good education program and I loved how there was an elementary school on campus.
I'm most excited to help students with building their resumes and cover letters and helping them find a job that is the best fit for them.
Meeting some of my lifelong friends at Northwest that I never thought I would have met and all of the opportunities to get involved on campus.
Responsibility: People who are talented in the Responsibility theme take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They are committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.
Developer: People who are in the Developer theme recognize and cultivate the potential in others. They spot the signs of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from these improvements.
Harmony: People with the strength of Harmony look for areas of agreement, and are particularly aware of conflict and dissonance. They can see how people can come together or find agreement even when, especially when, they are in conflict.
Belief: People exceptionally talented in the Belief theme have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their lives.
Discipline: People exceptionally talented in the Discipline theme enjoy routine and structure. Their world is best described by the order they create.
Learn more about Karinne on her Behind the Bearcat episode:
See all the links to the audio version of the podcast on the podcast website.