GIS Coordinate:
N40 21.182 W94 52.827
Trail Number:
Willow-like I to 3-inch leaves with green tops and silvery undersides
Native Locale:
Southern Europe to western and Central Asia, Altai and Himalayas
Mature Height:
12 to 20 feet
Mature Width:
12 to 20 feet
Hardiness Zones:
Zone 2 to 7
Soil Preference:
Prefers light sandy loams
Growth Habit:
Large shrub or small tree of oval to rounded outline, often quite open and of light texture
Rate of Growth:
Medium to Fast
Disease and Insect:
Leaf spots, cankers, rusts, Verticillium wilt, crown gall, oleaster-thistle aphid, and scales
Landscape Value:
Additional Notes: