» Financial Assistance » Apply for Aid
Disclaimers: The information on this site is based on existing rules and regulations of the Department of Veterans Affairs and should not be construed as being absolute. New rules and regulations are being released by the Department of Veteran Affairs continually and may supersede the information seen here. To view the most current information, visit va.gov.
Northwest Missouri State University is approved for certification of students eligible to receive educational assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). The School Certifying Official (SCO) will assist you in meeting the requirements of the VA Educational Assistance Program and act as a direct liaison between Northwest Missouri State University and the St. Louis Regional Office regarding payments of benefits. Please visit the Office of Veterans Affairs with questions:
Financial Aid Office
2nd Floor of the Administration Building
Open 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
VA Regional Office, 888.442.4551
If you are a veteran who served on continuous active duty for 181 days or more after Jan. 13, 1955, you may qualify for educational benefits under the G.I. Bill®. If you are a dependent of a veteran who died or is permanently disabled due to military duty, you may be eligible for educational benefits. The Department of Veterans Affairs determines eligibility for the various VA Educational Benefits programs in all cases. Application forms for your VA benefits are available at Find a VA form or the Financial Aid Office. The amount of money you will receive for education benefits differs for each program, so it is best to call our office, 660.562.1141, or the VA Regional Office, 888.442.4551, with a specific question about pay.
To be eligible for VA Educational Benefits, students must be degree-seeking with a declared major. It is possible that courses a student is advised to take by their advisor will not meet VA certification requirements. This may include repeated or elective classes. In such cases, the student will be personally responsible for the resulting cost. The student’s responsibility is to make sure that classes meet VA certification requirements if VA payment is desired for these classes. Our School Certifying Official can assist you with questions or concerns you may have.
In order to comply with laws governing the G.I. Bill®, it is your responsibility as a student to notify the VA official in the Financial Aid Office of your status. You must inform the School Certifying Official when you add or drop a class, change your major, change your address, or withdraw from Northwest. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs will not pay for the repeat of satisfactorily completed courses, except under exceptional circumstances such as required for your degree. If you do not make satisfactory academic progress and are suspended by Northwest, your G.I. Bill® benefits cannot be resumed until you have met the requirements for reinstatement. Your benefits may be terminated if you do not comply with the regulations stated above. You may contact Veterans Affairs at 888.442.4551.
Northwest Missouri State University may award credit hours of physical education for military training. To obtain this credit, veterans must submit a copy of their DD-214 form to the Admissions Office for evaluation to receive this credit.
An individual who enlisted, re-enlisted, or extended an enlistment in the Selected Reserve or National Guard for 6 years after July 1, 1985, and has completed the initial active duty training is eligible for VA benefits. This program does not require a contribution by the service person. Complete VA form 22-1990 and submit online. For more information about this benefit please visit va.gov.
This benefit makes specific individuals who were activated after September 11, 2001, either eligible for education benefits or eligible for increased benefits. It is a DoD education benefit program designed to provide educational assistance to members of the Reserve components called or ordered to active duty in response to a war or national emergency (contingency operation) as declared by the President or Congress. Complete VA form 22-1990 and submit online. For more information about this benefit please visit va.gov.
Individuals who entered active duty after July 1985, and participated in the pay reduction program (pay reduced $100 a month for 12 months) and served honorably for two years or more are eligible. Veterans or service persons cannot withdraw money paid into the fund. Complete VA form 22-1990 and submit online. For more information about this benefit please visit va.gov.
If you have a service-connected disability that limits your ability to work or prevents you from working, Veteran Readiness and Employment (formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment) can help. This program—also known as Chapter 31 or VR&E—helps you explore employment options and address education or training needs. In some cases, your family members may also qualify for certain benefits. Please refer to va.gov for more information pertaining to this program and to apply.
The Post-9/11 GI Bill® is a new benefit providing educational assistance to individuals who have served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. This program was implemented in August 2009. The program is designed to pay for tuition, fees, books, and living expenses and allows for entitlement to spouses and children. Please refer to https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/ for information pertaining to this program. Information will be updated as available. You may use the Benefit Comparison Chart to compare chapter 33 to chapters 30/1607. Complete VA form 22-1990 and submit online. For more information about this benefit please visit va.gov.
The transferability option under the Post-9/11 GI Bill® allows Service members to transfer all or some unused benefits to their spouse or dependent children. The Department of Defense (DoD) determines whether or not you can transfer benefits to your family. Once the DoD approves benefits for transfer, the new beneficiaries apply for them at VA. To find out more, visit Transfer your Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.
A child or spouse of a service-connected deceased or 100 percent disabled veteran may be eligible for VA educational benefits. Benefits may be used until the dependent has reached the age of 27 or 8 years from the date that eligibility is determined, whichever is later. Complete VA form 22-5490 and submit online. For more information about this benefit please visit va.gov.
In addition to their eligible benefits, the following individuals shall be awarded a tuition waiver covering all out-of-state tuition charges, resulting in them being charged in-state tuition:
All eligible Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve Military branches can request Tuition Assistance (TA) benefits from their respective military branch portals, whose links can be seen listed below. These portals allow military members to ask TA, request Education Counselor support, and help manage their education records (college courses, testing, on-duty courses, etc.).
Please remember, the Department of Defense (DoD) requires that Service members must receive approval from an Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within the Military Service prior to enrolling.
The Department of Defense (DoD) has directed a uniform TA fiscal policy across the military services. The per semester hour cap is up to $250, and the fiscal year ceiling is $4,500. The Army will pay 100 percent of the tuition charged by a school up to the established per semester hour cap and fiscal year ceiling.
Authorized fees covered by TA are mandatory fees that are associated with individual course enrollment. Non-refundable fees and fees that are not linked to individual course enrollments (e.g., designated fee, textbook fee, technology fee, new student fee, web course fee, application fees, degree completion fees) are not covered by TA.
Northwest Missouri State University is a participant in the Missouri Returning Heroes' Education Act program. The Heroes' Act limits tuition and fees charged to combat veterans to fifty ($50) per credit hour for any program leading to a certificate or bachelor's degree. The Heroes' Act limits the amount of tuition and fees charged to combat veterans that are seeking a graduate degree to no more than 30% of the cost of tuition and fees. A "combat veteran" is anyone who served in armed combat after September 11, 2001, who was a Missouri resident when first entering the military and discharged from military service under honorable conditions.
To initiate the process, a veteran must complete the form (each year) and return it with a copy of their DD-214 (initial application only) to:
Northwest Missouri State University
Attention: Office of Scholarships & Financial Assistance
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468
After this form, the Office of Scholarships & Financial Assistance will evaluate eligibility for the Heroes' Act, and the DD-214 is received. Veterans must maintain a 2.50 cumulative GPA to maintain eligibility for additional semesters.
State Tuition Assistance (TA) will only be used after all Federal Tuition Assistance has been exhausted or if the soldier is not eligible for Federal Tuition Assistance.
Currently, State TA covers 100% of tuition for students with ten years or less of service; for students with 10 to 17 years of service, it covers 50% of tuition. Tuition is paid at the in-state tuition rate per credit hour. The program covers up to 39 credit hours per year (15 credit hours for fall/15 credit hours for spring/9 credit hours for summer). State TA will not cover the textbook usage fee, technology fee, or designated fee.
Army National Guard
Office of the Adjutant General
2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203
Air Guard
Office of the Adjutant General
2302 Militia Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203
The Vietnam Veteran Survivor Grant Program offers up to 12 grants annually to children and spouses of Vietnam veterans who served between 1961 and 1972 and whose deaths were caused by or attributed to exposure to toxic chemicals during the Vietnam conflict. The veteran must have been a Missouri resident when entering the military and at the time of death. To be eligible for the grant, a student must be an undergraduate enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) at a participating Missouri postseason school, maintain satisfactory academic progress, and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. For a complete description of eligibility requirements, students can go to the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) and download and complete the application or request it from MDHE at 800.473.6757.
The Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant Program offers 25 grants per year to children and spouses of veterans whose deaths or injuries were a result of combat action or were attributed to illness that was contracted while serving in combat action, or who became 80% disabled due to injuries or accidents sustained in combat action since September 11, 2001. The veteran must have a Missouri resident when first entering the military or at the time of death or injury. To be eligible, a student must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or otherwise lawfully present in the U.S., be enrolled at least half-time in a participating college or university, and be the veteran’s spouse at the time of death or injury OR the veteran’s child who is under 25 years of age. Eligible students must download the application from the and complete it or request it from MDHE at 800.473.6757.
The purpose of this award is to encourage the students to serve their country through the National Guard and, at the same time, continue their education at Northwest. Students must provide a letter of good standing from their commanding officer as proof of eligibility, maintain a 2.50 Northwest GPA, and be enrolled full-time (12 hours or more per semester) to receive the scholarship. Contact Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance 660.562.1363.