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Michelle Geeting is Career ready. Day one.

Northwest students are Career Ready. Day One.

This program has given me so many tools to help my kids, to reach my kids, to better understand how to use the technology in a positive way … To better prepare my kids, I feel like I have so many more tools in my toolbox that I wouldn’t have had without this program.

Michelle Geeting
Master’s in instructional technology

Michelle Geeting

Graduating Class: 2018
Hometown: St. Joseph, Missouri
Major: Master’s in instructional technology
Other Activities:

  • Science teacher at Nodaway-Holt High School in Graham, Missouri

The Northwest Experience

Michelle reached a goal she set for herself 20 years ago, completing her pursuit of a master’s degree in instructional technology this spring and refused to let her full-time teaching obligations or commitment to her family suffer as she furthered her education.

Michelle wanted to continue learning new skills that could help her become a better educator and advance her career. She looked to Northwest and pursued her master’s degree online while she continued teaching.

Until pursuing her master’s degree, Michelle had been unfamiliar with the Northwest campus, its faculty and programs. She says now she’s found a home at the University.

“It’s the place where I go now for my professional gathering place, for meeting other teachers, bouncing ideas, that springboard for thought. It’s kind of a cohort of support that I wasn’t anticipating having after I graduated. A lot of the professors at Northwest really care about where I’m going. I’m super excited to be part of the alumni that come out of there.”